But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


We had our “pot luck” Christmas lunch at Dirleton church hall today after a gentle twenty mile cycle out with a tail wind. The idea is that everybody takes enough food for one person and everything is shared. It works a bit like the “Five Loaves and two Fishes,” it seems more food is carried home than is taken out. My contribution was a large box of salad and a honey jar of dressing - the honey jar being appropriate since the main ingredient is honey. Inexplicably, there was a tail wind home again.

I assume that this nativity set belongs to the Sunday school, it has a rather naive charm about it apart, that is, from the cyclist’s bottle of disgusting looking fluid in the way. Some people have absolutely no respect.
I could have done with a little more depth of field, but that would have meant using a tripod which I don’t usually carry on the trike - or flash, which I don’t think would have created the right ambiance. Since I didn’t think of it anyway, you’re stuck with three fuzzy wise men.

After lunch, Brian, and his daughter Hazel ,stood up to extol the virtues of their pet charity: “World Bicycle Relief.” His commitment started when he was touring in Africa and had to replace his pedals; he threw the broken ones in a rubbish bin where-upon a local asked if he could have them, his bike only had spindles. Apparently, a lot of kids in the villages can’t easily get to school because it’s too far to walk, the men can’t carry their surplus produce to market and the women spend all day fetching water; all problems solved with a purpose built £95 cargo bike. It’s a charity that gets my support this Christmas.

Note: The cargo bike will take 100kg of luggage which means it can carry three people.

I've just posted yesterday's "Mill House."

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