Prisoner 24601

By Alfin


A blip of the only part of Dumbuck Towers that is not under stress.

As mentioned before, the homestead is getting a makeover.

New windows installed today but unfortunately we have a major problem with the living room.

Windows have been beautifully installed, but we have cracks in the rough cast meaning that our front bay is soaking. And I mean soaking.

We have pots, pans and basins catching the rainwater which is literally flowing from above.

The repair we need is gonna be a major job but at this time of year we won't be able to get it done till the holidays are over. Boo!

It's been a real downer and a major worry today and my own stress levels are high!

Hopefully the forecast wind and rain for tonight does not happen, but I fear the first of many sleepless nights ahead.

Modern life (and auld hooses) is/are rubbish.

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