My view, from bathroom window
I've spent a lot of time looking at the view from the bathroom window in the last 12 hours. That's the upside of the so called 'winter vomiting bug' that's going round. There aren't any other upsides to the bug, there is no need to go into details. Indeed it's estimated that 70% of us will encounter the bug at some point, so I hope you are in the 30%.
Last night the view was floodlit by an amazing full moon, I didn't need the room light on. This morning an orangy sky with just enough cloud to mask the sun to a clearly visible disc. So I had to take a snap with my mobile.
Farmingemma had the bug just 48 hours ago, really had a bad time. I helped her through it as best I could, hence no blip yesterday. Now back to 90% better (it drains you so much, so quickly), she is kindly looking after me... a bit of toast, a biscuit or two, mixing up rehydration drinks. Thank you m'dear x
At least it's out the way for both of us for Christmas.
I might take another look at the view now...
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