Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

To Selfie or Not to Selfie...

...that is the question!

Ironically, shortly after reading an article, this morning, in the "Greatest Daily" newsletter called "Do 'Selfies' Signal Narcissism or Self-Acceptance", I was enjoying lunch with a friend who ended the meal by asking me to take a "selfie" of us.

The newsletter, Greatest Daily, focuses on healthy ways to look at exercise, diet, I liked their take on "selfies" as something that can go both ways. Having an obsession with snapping "selfies" can indicate anything from body acceptance and self empowerment, to low self-esteem and vanity. They warn against posting negative photos of yourself, and instead, posting pictures that help your self esteem instead of hurting it.

I have to say that, for me, the freedom to just smile at the camera, guess where it's aimed, and have fun, is just I love the freedom to decide...'yuck, I never want to see that photo again', and 'click' delete, it's over. No more bad picture. But when it reflects the fun we were having, or the joy in the moment, it's a grand memory, and I'm happy to share it. I totally agree that posting negative images can drag you down, but seeing the spark in your own eye can be very encouraging. If you give yourself something happy to look back at, you can give it to the whole world and know that at least one other person out there just might be smiling with you. That's a wonderful feeling.

Thanks, Jewels, for the memories, and the food for thought! It was a fun day!

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