Tahhhhh dahhhhhhhhhh..
The nearly 15 year old car with a walnut dashboard ...
Tits McGee has been rude about my new beast !! She called it 'my big fat gypsy wedding ' car ... All because on the tv show of the same name !! Also the gnome her husband asked if I were now dealing drugs .. Pahhh I wish I could inject that pair with Ebola ..
So today ... Very busy ..
Dog walk ....
Home and tidy
Collect DDLC and make Mr W Sit in the back of my lovely car so DDLC can get the benefit of my walnut dash and trim.She was pleased..
Off to The Stalls which is a shop type place and Mr W brought me a handbag (pictured above held at jaunty angle) ..
Then when home I did more stuff ..
THEN went yo school to help 2b clean out their manky school drawers .. Bless them all they are so so excited it's the end of term and kept asking is it Christmas tomorrow ?
Thank you Miss C for my lovely biscuits and no I am not bloody well sharing them with the family as they don't come up and leap about with that class like I do ;) ..
Then home and take Sadie to the vet and I was right .. She has kennel cough .. Anti biotics and a big bill ..
THEN into town for one last look at the light show with the camping gang .. Wiggy,Tits and all our children .. THEN we went to eat our body weight in waffles and crepés and assorted toppings in Hoorays ..
Ahhh but I have not finished yet .. I have just been running ...
The end ...
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