
By Tryfan46

A lovely tableaux

With many homes decorated by lights and images bought from shops, this household stands out in Bearsted. Everything is hand made and takes a couple of days to put up each year. Santa is climbing up the side of the house and out of shot are Santas and pixies peeking out from behind trees.

I've tried to take a shot in the dark to show the illuminations but try as I might I can't get a good shot. In previous years when there is snow on the ground it looks even better and takes a good photograph.

Would you believe that one year some louts destroyed the display, breaking the reindeers and pulling stuff out of the ground. Fortunately they weren't put off and the display was up the following year.

In the morning we went for mince pies and coffee at the school where I'm a governor. Susan came too as she taught at the school for 23 years and she enjoys meeting and chatting to people still there.

A good session and the gym followed by the last bits of packing ready for the journey to Edinburgh tomorrow. Susan's out tonight with the staff from the school she's been working at since October. Despite not really wanting so much work she's really enjoyed it.

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