
By Indy653

Raymond and Sophia

“I don’t feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh.
"There there," said Piglet. "I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Poor Sophia has an upper respiratory infection - and though a lot better is not yet 100%. Raymond was taking both girls to Butterfly World where Amelie was hoping to see the ones she'd grown from pupae. She had been sad to see them fly off but comforted to know they'd be with their friends.

Steve and I headed north as I had after-school Christmas party in our department.
We ordered in a Chinese - music and a few games - and had a visit from some poor male member of staff who had been persuaded/bribed to stay late to act as our Santa.

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