A Good Day for Snoozing.

What a night!
And a good morning for keeping paws and those ears good and dry.
We had strong gusty winds and heavy rain/sleet squalls all evening and well into the night. A certain someone needed to go outside at five am and I stuck my nose round the back door to see sleet coming round the corner of the house parallel to the ground! Needless to say, that certain someone was back in her basket in very short order and I got my head back on the pillow for another hour or so.
MaggieD and I both had early appointments this morning for our six monthly dental check ups (we both passed with no treatment required - result!) so Rona did not get a good run until this afternoon. We walked right round the wood and were saddened to see the further damage caused by last nights storm. The fallen trees were, of course, an extra challenge and attraction for Rona who loved scrambling over and under these new obstacles. Maybe she thinks we arranged all this just for her benefit!

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