A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


We had a moon lit walk today for most of our St Ives circuit and when the sun finally came up it was a lovely bright morning. https://www.flickr.com/photos/16251802@N05/11449621856/in/photostream/lightbox/

After these early walks I enjoy a leisurely breakfast which today was porridge. Sitting eating whilst brownsing my e mails and newly posted blips I spotted a number of the smaller birds eating the last remaining berries on the very bottom branches of the Rowan tree.

Suddenly they all took to the air together with the pigeons on my neighbours lawn (he feeds them).& when I looked out this was the culprit. I didn't have very long to get a better shot as a magpie came and saw it off! A little later I was watching a Jay on my neighbours lawn, another regular visitor and the blackbirds and thrushes came back to try to get to the berries with some success but balancing with great difficulty. Not many berries left now but I'm sure this fellow wasn't after any!

Thrushes and blackbirds here.

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