the colour green

By jukeys

afternoon tea

Baked scones and chocolate cupcakes yesterday and all I had to do was get the wraps made up and the cherry tomatoes dipped. Also got the painting stuff out :)

The girls arrived about 2.30pm and we got them hunting for sweeties immediately. Pierre had hidden 3 in the living room for Marie-Claire, 3 in the hallway for Sarah, and 3 in the big bedroom for Biz. Sarah and MC drew to find all 3 of theirs first!

I had made loads of salt-dough decorations last weekend, so got the girls to paint a few each for the tree. We then painted faces on eggshells for the blé de l'espérance. The tradition in Provence is normally to put this "wheat of hope" onto cotton wool on a plate on the 4th of December. If it grows straight up and is good and green, you will have a successful harvest the next year. I had planted mine in eggshells - like we do with cress at home - and it had started to grow well already, so the girls had fun painting their faces on the funny shells with green hair!

Afternoon tea went well :) They enjoyed their kids' champagne and the scones. The chocolatey cupcakes were too chocolatey apparently...unbelievable, eh?

Conked out with Pierre in front of a couple of Breaking Bads in the evening after leaving Bizzy with dad, and MC and Sarah over to mum's.

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