
Hello friends! Once again I've been far more absent from Blipworld than I'd wish but although I'm hardly managing to take any photos these days I'm still keeping an eye on your journals and wishing I had more time for commenting!

Work continues to be busy but we've had an extra pair of hands helping out recently in the form of our lovely volunteer, Inan, who's been tackling admin and social media stuff that was previously languishing at the bottom of the 'to do' list...

Inan's moving down to London in January and we're really sorry to lose him but we wish him well for the future and hope to see him again in June at a big 3-day conference which we're working on organising at the moment.

At least the whole team had an opportunity to go out for a cuppa this morning and hardly discussed work at all. Result!

Only 2 more working days until the holidays... Phew!

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