In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Street life

All over the Xmas world, scenes like this will be very Sreeets jammed with traffic as people start panicking with their gift shopping.
Saying that, I have seen it a lot worse, in fact, even in a prosperous city like Aberdeen, the taxi trade is so much quieter than I'm the past.
Actually if the truth be told, the traffic is not that bad.

Xmas in the North East.

Ah'll hae een o'them,
An' een o' them,
An' een o'them inna.
Ah'll hae een o' them ,
An'een o' them,
But them, Ah'll hae but twa.

Fower bits o'that,
A puckle o' this,
An a hund fae o' that.
And something for me da.

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