Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Very Hot Santa.........(A SP Taken by Jaiya)

.......and I don't mean SEXY...... It was HOT.

Driving to Playgroup today dressed as Santa not only was I thinking how ridiculous it is to be dressed in a red suit hat & at this time in the Southern Hemisphere............but because the air conditioning was on full blast it was blowing the beard up around my face and I felt what like Rumi (not the poet) looks like when he car surfs.

It was worth every discomfort every drop of sweat to see those little faces light up....I will do it again next was a blast...I loved it!

It was funny....Flynn didnt catch on that it was me...I could see his little mind ticking over and was even quite shy.......Jaiya reckons I was a great Santa..... especially as I didn't tell anyone to piss off....charming.

That was my Big Day...Ho Ho Ho.

“You are an ocean in a drop of dew,
all the universes in a thin sack of blood.

What are these pleasures then,
these joys, these worlds
that you keep reaching for,
hoping they will make you more alive?”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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