
By Thepainterswife

Done and dusted....

Ella finished school mid-day today!

Not just for the year, but forever at this particular school. She has had 8 great years here, starting as a little 5 year old new entrant, and now leaving at a 13 year old. Heading off to High School next year, the next stage in her education.

It has been a busy week, with a lovely dinner out for the Year 8 students and their parents and the teachers, the final assembly/prize giving last night, and then the farewell march down the school driveway today.
It is a tradition at the school where all the younger students form two lines thru which the Year 8's walk down and out the school entrance way.....usually with tears in their eyes!
They also spend alot of time in the morning writing on each others school shirts with permanent pens!

All of this creates great memories.

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