One cup too many!

Carole and I went on our usual walk this afternoon. We decided to have a little meander around Monton and ended up having a couple of cups of tea in a cafe. Before we left we both needed to use their facilities..."Oooh sorry love you can't go in there, there are some wires showing. I think someone has messed around with the wall heater." There was no way we could persuade them....Health & Safety and all that malarky. We walked back along the canal...clenching!!!

"Let's call on Ellen," I said, We shot up the hill to her house...she was out!!! We made it to Carole's thankfully ha ha ha.

I walked home and made some Christmas cards, at last! Then I walked back to Carole's and when Rhys arrived home we headed over to the Old Hall for the big opening night. It looks great inside and the food was lovely. There was even a brass group playing Christmas carols. We decided to go the whole hog and try the starter, main and dessert...well it would have been rude not to.

I think there must be a few Bah Humbuggers out there in blipland as my festive shot has hit the spotlight page ha ha ha ha :))

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