Country File

By marypot

I think I wanna marry you

This is Ophelia with her friend Robbie. They're about six weeks apart in age and have grown up together. They're great friends. Ophelia wore her angel costume to the kids' Christmas party this afternoon. Robbie wore his shirt and tie. They look like they're getting married. If they ever do we will remind them if thus photo haha! Yes it was the annual Christmas get together for our merry band of six mummies and 17 children this afternoon. It's become a tradition. I think thus is the third (or fourth?) year we've had it. Always at the same friend's house. We all bring food. The kids play, eat and then we send little messages up the chimney for the 'wee folk' to take to Santa. Grace is still asking for a Nintendo DS. Ophelia is still asking for a box of cheese. Arwen can't ask for anything yet as she can't talk but we asked for Peppa Pig toys on her behalf.
After getting the girls home there was a mad half hour for me to get ready for our preschool staff and committee Christmas night out at a newly reopened and refurbished hotel/restaurant in Hexham. The food wasn't anything special apart from the pud which was divine. The company was most excellent, however.
347/365 completed!

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