Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A grackle for Mom!

Another snow storm today ... bringing in grackles, cowbirds, and a host of other birds to the feeders. And as soon as the grackles showed up, I knew I had to blip one today, for my Mom. That may sound weird, but she loves watching grackles and we were just talking about that on Sunday. So this grackle's for you, Mom!

Their Latin name is Quiscalus quiscula. This derives from the Latin word graculus, meaning "to cough" which is what their raspy call sounds like. They are very smart birds, and work cooperatively together like members of the corvid family. It is interesting to observe them at the feeder because they have a definite hierarchy in the flock, just as blue jays and crows do.

I had a good photo day - I've posted five of my favorite shots starting here with the stylishly tailed junco. And for all you titmouse-lovers, don't miss the second shot - guaranteed to make you laugh! The eternally optimistic titmouse...

We were supposed to have a new front door AND anew dishwasher installed today - but the snowstorm kept the delivery crews from coming out. So, the dishwasher is not scheduled for tomorrow and the door after the holiday. The forecast for tomorrow is for sun, so once we clear the driveway and walkways tonight, we will be ready for the delivery tomorrow. We've got about 10-12 inches of snow on the ground now, between Saturday's storm and today's. That's enough, I'd say.

Hubs stayed home today - he's feeling a bit better but I fear he may have given the damned cold to me. I'm pumping myself full of Vit C and refusing to succumb.

Eight more sleeps...


PS: Last year on this day...His Royal Redness!

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