
By champignons

New thing

I realise other parents are proud when thier child is on stage or gets all their spelling tests right but I'm most proud of my nut when he says things like 'this water bottle is fine, you can fill it up again and again' holding up a highland springs bottle, because his special angry birds water bottle has gone missing and the lid to the auxiliary bottle has likewise vanished.

I know his water bottle is important, but he's so grown up. He reassures where other children throw wobblies and that is why I went straight to the store and bought more water bottles, one was angrybirds space with a Han Solo on. He liked it very much.

This morning I found him sitting in the lounge with his new water bottles asking me very nicely to fill it up for school. He told me he'd kept them safely in the lounge over night to prevent Daddy from finding them and tiding them away again. Smart thinking, Mr nut.

No let up in the order onslaught and two dolls painted today too. And.. I'm getting ill. BLEURGH. Come ON, friday.

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