Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Back at the Vets

Poor Blue was back at the vet tonight, as we are still concerned about his condition. Unfortunately, due to an emergency admission it was almost an hour after our arrival before he was seen. By that time he was most unhappy, growling throughout his examination. He is the sweetest natured cat we have known and to hear him growling like this was so out of character. Despite his vocalisation, this was as far as he went in his demonstration of disaproval. There was no spitting, biting or scratching, just the constant growl. Even when he had the ignomony of having his temperature taken and a steroid injection administered, he still did not lash out.

Unfortunately he has lost another 300 grammes in weight over the last 3 weeks. We are giving a few days to see whether the steroid has any effect and then we will take him back and decide what more can be done.

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