The Rugby World Cup !

I know the photo won't win any awards but I had to blip it...

So I went for a 3mile run out past HQ at lunchtime. On the way back I thought, for my blip I'd go and find my brother Steve's brick in the walk of legends and give him a shock by blipping it. I found it got some shots and ran back. Then I noticed a few people standing around with a shiny gold thing. Now I've seen the world cup before (once when Clive Woodward brought it to Quins after England's win in 2003 and once in 2007 when South Africa lifted it in Paris after beating England. I'm still convinced Cueto scored that try BTW). Anyway the thing I remember about it is its smaller than you expect and its a very deep gold colour. So I saw this thing and thought. That looks like the world cup....Kept running for a bit then it clicked that it was. So I wandered over to have a chat with the people who were doing some publicity shots for the 2015 world cup. So if you see a shot which is foreground: World cup, Middle ground 2 land rovers, background twickenham with the golden lions thats the one.

Shame its not a better shot but they asked me not to go to close and even joked I may run away with it as I was dressed for it...

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