Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

If Only ............

I could do with heading off into the wild blue yonder after today.

Our 1 "day off" in two weeks and we got a phone call asking if we could take The Cygnet to and from nursery because Bags wasn't feeling great.

So plans for us doing stuff today went out the window.

A piece of turning I have made has suddenly (on its final coating of oil) decided it doesn't want to dry smoothly.

My small camera has 'eaten' a memory card and will have to go in for repair - probably on Friday when I have now got a funeral to go to for somebody I worked with (only a year older than me).

The only thing that was on the 'up' was a trip to drop off a birthday card and another couple of mutual friends turned up so a few laughs were had.

Where is the chocolate? .......... and the whisky

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