Brilliant nativity, brilliant washing machine man.

Rubbish school cooking.....

I'll start with the rant. WHY do I have to provide a load of food for Daisy to take to school to boil up a tin of tomatoes, a pile of veg and curry powder for 20 minutes? It is never going to taste nice so now a whole load of perfectly good food has gone in the bin because it was a recipe that was never going to work and Daisy declares she hates vegetable curry now. There are hundreds of really good things they could make well in school in twenty minutes, they seem never to take this approach......

Rant over, now for the good bits. Will was a fantastic inn keeper, he said his line perfectly and was all round brilliant. I do have to say the street dancing angels (other boys from his class) somewhat stole the show though. You can't beat a year 2 nativity. He thinks he looks stupid. I told him looked brilliant, he said "that's what Mrs Reading said too" in a very doubtful voice. Apparently I now owe him for 50p for blipping him, where is the generous inn keeper when you need him?

The washing machine broke last night, I rang some people on the off chance this morning, a a v nice man came round at 3pm, fixed everything and gave me the £1.87 that he found inside the machine. If you need anything electrical fixing in Worthing, let me know - they were top.

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