All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Flat Stanley

Or "Flat Scott" to be precise, as that's what I named this teddy bear, after the guy who gave him to me when I was 15! He somehow ended up in the laundry basket while I was in hospital the other week and hubbie put him in the washing machine along with the whites. When he came out, he was minus one eye and half his stuffing was missing too! Hubbie broke the news to me on the phone by saying there had been a tragic accident, but refused to elaborate until he came in to visit me later that day!

Feel like I've had a busy day today although on reflection it's hubbie who has been busy, not me! The nursery is now pretty much finished - walls painted, carpet cleaned, blackout blind put up & crib assembled. All that's left is for the border to be put up but one of our neighbours is going to do that for us along with the wallpaper in the living room once we get our act together. We "think" we might have finally found a wallpaper we agree on so have sent off for a sample - fingers crossed!

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