The Fair City of Perth

His Lordship and I travelled to the shires today for a Christmas lunch in the fair City of Perth with his brother and wife.

What a joy to stravaig the Perth streets, unjostled in pedestrian precincts and relatively quiet roads, dipping in and out of shops with clothes for the Perthshire gentry, the hunting, shooting, fishing brigade and their wives.

Perth was looking glorious in the sunshine. The river Tay caught the low December sun as it flowed, swollen with the recent rain, through the city under bridges and along the swathe of green that is the North Inch.

Our lunch was in the Breizh restaurant, an unexpectedly Breton name in the city which is the gateway to the Scottish Highlands, but it produced an excellent festive meal.

We missed a sudden heavy rain shower before walking back to our hosts' house and taking this blip in the last rays of the sun from the foot of their garden.

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