Signal Station Sunrise
There was such a lovely hint of pink and salmon in the sky first thing that I leaped out of bed (before my body knew what I was up to) and got myself plus camera and tripod down to the beach. I wasn't there in time for the very best of it but I reckon that it was still worth the effort. It was 5.30 am!
This Signal Station was damaged in the quakes and is now fenced off, but it's still standing! It's on the top of Cave Rock and was used to signal vessels approaching the Sumner bar when the wharf at Ferrymead was used to unload cargo for Christchurch in the 19th century. The ships must have had fun going in and out over the Sumner Bar - I'm really cautious about it in my little kayak so I it must have been very tricky for larger vessels.
The Earthquake Recovery team is due here this afternoon, to do the final Scope of Works. The Engineer has sent his amended report, (needed a whole tree to print it I reckon) together with plans for repairing floors and walls and foundations. They'll be busy this afternoon working out every little detail that needs fixing, which will be the starting point for the overall cost! We had another little quake yesterday afternoon, nearly 4 on the Richter scale and 2 tonnes - they're still grumbling away; and so am I !!!
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