
By kevinmcc


I flew down to Eugene, Oregon to escort my 80+ year old mother to an early Monday morning outpatient ankle surgery, as she wanted one or more family members to be present.

Seattle was in the teens and twenties for temperature, and Eugene had just received 6 to 9 inches of snow with temperatures hovering below ZERO! Minus 10F on Saturday night, and then MINUS 6F on Sunday evening when I arrived.

In contrast - Anchorage AK, and Fairbanks AK were quite balmy at 30F and 28F respectively.

Mom suggested that we dine at the Eugene Country Club for her "last" meal prior to surgery. Mom had the classic ECC hamburger, and I opted for the prime rib. Both were good choices.

The outdoor lighting was beautiful, however my frigid fingers, at probably 0 F only allowed me perhaps 5 minutes at most to capture a blipworthy image :)

Fortunately for me, the club has a huge fireplace where where I was able to warm my digits.

For you golfers out there like "Rich," the course was re-designed by renowned architect "Robert Trent Jones" in 1966.

Youngest brother Doug, and sister in law Karen from Montana also arrived later on Monday to assist mom during her recovery.

L to R - Doug, mom, Kevin, Coleman. and Karen.

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