Newbury Lantern Parade

wet dark winter night
suddenly comes drumming sound
then bright, bright lantern light

© Things Beautiful

I walked into town after work, and could hear the drummers drumming quite a way down the road! It was a fantastic atmosphere and I just stood taking photographs, some came out better than others.

When the parade moved into the market square I followed, and met a couple of friends, then bumped into Newbury James, who was also photographing the parade!

Suddenly we were all silenced by the sound of fireworks going off (they started around the moon you see here in the picture and then behind and above us over the town hall. I even managed to get some firework pictures!

I've never been to this event before, but I will definitely be going again it was great fun. More pictures in my flickr :) (including my first ever fireworks photographs) :)

Afterwards I headed to the Costa Coffee Shop and had a lovely hot chocolate with cream and a ginger muffin, yummy :)

A group from my church sang carols, read passages and poems! It was great to meet friends and chat, and join in the singing, much to the bemusement of the clientele there :)

One rather tired TB then walked back to work to collect the car and got soaked through in the pouring heavy rain even in my proper raincoat! Now home, and warm in my pjs and I've had some homemade soup for tea whilst watching The Christmas Sewing Bee which was rather interesting. I'd get the sewing machine out if I had more time but not just now...

Please excuse my lack of replying and commenting on your journals over the next few days I am at work until Thursday :) Finding it rather hard to keep up just now with all that's going on...

Happy Sunday folks :)

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