Jackson Pollock be afraid, very afraid!

Up and awake around 7, back to bed 9:30 for sleepy. I had totally forgotten I had work to do so ended up rushing it but got it all done.

Charlotte woke and I decided that we were going to do some painting (Christmas presents hopefully)

The table ended up with rather a lot of paint of it, as did the high chair and Charlotte but she enjoyed it so does it matter?

Went to feed the ducks this pm. Mummy and daddy were soaked within minutes due to the pouring rain, someone else was a dry as a feather due to being suitably attired for the weather.

Cooking a toast tonight, cause we can! Need to write a list of who I have and have not bought for Christmas and finalise the Ocado Christmas order. Oooo I know how to spend my Sunday nights don't I?!

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