In the Pink

Which definately doesn't describe Mr. T or me this morning after the excesses of last night! No flying for anyone, not only because of some thick heads but because of the horrid weather : rain, mist and very blowy. T and I attempted a walk after breakfast to blow away the cobwebs but we didn't manage to get too far as the wind nearly blew us off our feet so we gave up and retired to the Club House for coffee/tea and many more flying stories!!

This is Winter Flowering 'Something or other' - I think it's a type of Verbena, but I don't know. Whatever it is its the only bit of surviving colour up here on the hill and it finds shelter against one of the hangars.

No good photos of the dinner last night so my back blip is a bit rubbish I'm afraid, particularly as the better photos were taken after midnight!

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