I got exceptionally lucky the last two days with pictures around the Umpqua country side and river, and in the back of my mind I hoped for something as remarkable as one of those for my #500th. But one thing I've learned by committing to Blip is that one has to take the pictures that avail in the day. So this is it, #500, on my drive back home today. I probably would have liked one with Tom, or Kirb, or Tom and Kirb. But today it was just me and my camera, as it so often has been with 500 of these shots. I stopped in the hills of southwestern Oregon, and shot up through the firs and ancient cedars. It felt an appropriate milestone shot, as natural settings have made up the bulk of these 500. I marveled at the silence of this environment, broken suddenly by the whitt-whitt-whitt of a raven's wings through the cedars. Perfect.

500 blips. 500 moments captured. Many more exchanges with all of you, good Blip friends and family. Thanks for being here along our road.

I found this short poem from one of my favorite poets, e.e. cummings:

i thank you god
for this most amazing day,
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees,
and for the blue dream of sky
and for everything which is natural,
which is infinite,
which is yes.

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