Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

No place like home

The concept of 'home' might evoke memories of a time or place where the person felt comfortable or safe, or of a home, family and friends that no longer exist. If the person doesn't recognise their present environment as 'home', then it isn't home for them. Try to understand and acknowledge the person's feelings and reassure them that they are safe and loved.

Alzheimer Society Website

TSM and I visited Aged P today. A mostly good and occasionally sad experience.

TSM still suffering with a bug so we had a shloof (that's yiddish for a nap - one of my favourite bits of linguistic enrichment from being married to someone who is not only beautiful but Jewish) before going to Tesco to shop for the week, for lunch with friends tomorrow, and for Christmas stuff.

Lie in tomorrow. The one and only.

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