Rip curl!

Up early & onto Glasgo for some Christmas shopping! Had to go into the city centre ! it was pouring from the Heavens but that didn't deter the determined Weegies from knocking seven bells out of you if you weren't quick enough to get out of their way. Most of them were like Exocet misiles! I got soacked. Had to go to the big munchie fruit store as I wanted to buy an ipod for hubby. Was unfortunate enough to be served? by a gum chewing wench with a bobble hat! I couldn't concentrate right for seeing her bloody tinsle tonsels as she was so busy chewing the cud! Where to they get these people from! Normally the big fruit store has good staff but this one slipped past the product control! Finally armed with said little white box we set off in search of a cravat for no1 daughter's boyfriend. First stop we thought John Lewis! Wrong, the suited & booted yoof didn't even know what a cravat was! Several shops later revealed that many of the younger generation don't know their cravats from their bow ties! Finally success at some upper curst shirt shop who even wrapped the damn thing up nice, sucess. Finally onto a large supermarket to get the usual conglomeration of pyjamas, socks, jumpers blah blah etc! Ho ho ho soaking wet finally set off home on the wettest road ever. Floods so big I fully expected to meet Noha & his arc and then forced to stop on the Rust & BE Thankless at the red lights to watch to see if the bloody mountain was going to slide down on top of us! I take my hat of to the guys who work on that shoring up fence thingy! one of the guys was actually astride the top of the ten foot high wire! nut job that he was. Home and drying off as I cant be bothered changing my clathes! Bah humbeuggers!

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