
By Mo

If you go down to the woods today

Spent the morning doing a bit of socialising in amongst the Enjoy-a-ball run and extricating Matthew from his pal's house after a sleepover. Managed to fit in 2 cups of coffee with one pal and then 2 cups of coffee with the sleepover parents. They were a bit shell-shocked by the experience of having eight 9-10 year old boys sleeping in a tent in their garden. Their garden overlooks East Beach. It was a glorious spot in this morning's sunshine, but I bet it was cold-ish last night!

First pumpkin soup of the season for lunch (George had spotted a pumpkin yesterday and insisted we make soup!) and then off to Presmennan Woods for a bit of a yomp with the dog. Matthew is a trouper, never complained once even though he was exhausted from his sleepover.

They didn't take much rocking tonight!

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