tracks of life

By dpofarre

lake malawi

one of the guys i worked with this week was kind enough to give me a lift out to lake malawi for the weekend. he, his wife, a german student at a nature conservancy, and i piled into the land cruiser for the 2-hour drive out to senga bay, where the german and i would stay at the beach cottage (cool runnings is the name) and he /wife would stay about 500 m down the road at their own cottage.

i had wanted to do some fishing, but lack of interest from other parties meant far too much expense (and boredom really) if i chose to charter alone. so instead, we piled into the boat above for a trip out to lizard island. a little day hike around, and some snorkeling was good enough for the trip, especially accompanying the beach-side lounging and swimming earlier in the day.

some teachers and spouses from bishop mackenzie school were also staying the weekend. a couple of guitars, and plenty of drinks at night made for a pretty fun first day all-in-all.

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