Friday the 13th!

Today was Friday the 13 and I ended up inside a cops car. This is me with a view from the inside. I had told the police this reminds me when I was a kid, he laughed!
I wasn't really a bad boy but a witness to a head on crash on an intersection. Luck was on my side today as if just a couple of seconds early it would've been me .
An accident is an accident and felt kind of bad for the older lady who was completely wrong for going through the red. I felt bad because the other young lady's first reaction to her was yelling and screaming and swearing at her when usually you say "are you okay"
I went up to the older lady and asked her if she was okay and she just nodded. She looked very shocked!

A car is a car and it can be replace but people you can't. I felt really sad about it.

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