long distance r&r

By toastyhoatson

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

I think I woke up to n today but I may have just been dreaming
easy test in research
LOL CALCULUS I need to do like a week's worth of stuff
it'll be easy but time consuming
physics was great today, building bridges is such a good stress reliever
I'm basically an elf in santas shop
wow I'm a loser
Starbucks with the gov school crew after physics, then went back to Lafayette
took ap gov test- 93 on MC.... fuck. 37/40, but FRQ should bring it up. this may end my a+ streak (not counting ap comp sci)
left for meet at CNU
nan and Sarah and I are normal again I think.it was great today.
ran 4x8- Sarah led off in 2:34, passed to me. caught 2 or 3 girls with a 2:35, then handed to Delaney. I'm worried about her; really competitive and used to being fast-2:59. nan ran a BEAUTIFUL anchor leg without anyone even close to her-2:26. time was shitty (10:36) but summer wasn't with us and delaney's still getting in shape.
lost to jtown bitches- that will NEVER happen again omfg
saw devon and her college frans- love that girl. so happy we all got to see eachother.
very, very tired
mile tomorrow- hopefully it'll go well.
7 days- so fucking lucky

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