Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A beautiful...

A beautiful
thing is

Egyptian proverb

First gingerbread house since I was about 9 years. This time the pieces came in a box, ready to be pieced together. Last time my dad and I made the house from scratch.
This was a shared work effort! I started holding together the pieces while a young man put 'glue' between the parts. I managed to break a wall, but he fixed it so it almost didn't show! After it was put together, he had to leave and I stood there with a minor panic thinking I had to decorate the thing myself!! Thankfully a younger colleague walked by and she happily continued what I awkwardly started…Well, I did do some more stuff on it and of course documenting the process! It turned out really nice, don't you think? :) And we had a lot of fun doing it!
Really nice day at work with Lucia celebrations first. I helped out giving the young singers some lemonade and saffron buns afterwards. A lot of running in stairs in the first part of the day. :)
Then I met some new people and after a while we were 4 nationalities at one table, speaking Swedish, English and a lot of gestures. They were taking turns reading from a book and then we went through difficult words. Fun time! And after that I took one of them with me to make the gingerbread house.
My five hours went by so fast!


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