Smell the fear

Well I did it.

I abseiled down this.

I raised over £300 for Macmillan Cancer Support which I was delighted with and I was really taken aback by the support from fellow blippers - none of whom I've ever met in the real world before, thanks guys it was hugely appreciated. Having said I've never met the blippers who donated before I did have a nice surprise when I got to the bottom to meet Manual Transition (SooB) and her clan - great to meet you and thanks again for your support.

This was probably the worst bit, waiting with the other abseilers at the top of the lighthouse before stepping out onto the ledge and climbing over. I'd popped a couple of immodium though so I knew I was fine! I was so confident I even wore shorts. And the journey down was livened up considerably when Joe and Eve got hold of a microphone and were bellowing encouragement.

Mrs Smith's sister is round now cooking up a Thai feast in the kitchen so I feel the call of a few cold Singha's.

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