My Little Narrator No 4

Today was the Primary 1&2 Nativity Play, called Hey Ewe. Katie's description of the storyline was "Its the story about the sheep knowing that somethings was going to happen... and it was that Jesus was being born."

Katie was Narrator No4 and she was superb. This time last year Katie would never have stood up on the stage and said a word. She has really come out her shell in P2 and I was very proud of her today.

I took lots of pictures but Mrs C (the headteacher) said that while we are allowed to take pictures of our children we are not allowed to upload pictures of other children onto social media sites.......hence the reason I have faded out the others.

Daddy is now poorly........please please go away Bugs........we don't want you!

A glass of vino will be in my hand shortly.

Happy weekend folks


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