East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Black Friday sunset...

and a flipping Black Friday it was. I'm not the superstitious one in our household- I always have a rational reason for things going wrong but after today I think I am a convert!
The day started badly - two rather important documents that A. needed urgently could not be found... and I'm the one that does all the filing!!! All morning spent pulling files apart and folios out of drawers to no avail. Trying to get copies from the relevant companies was a nightmare as the person needed was busy or not there etc etc. The computer decided to shut down in the midst of all this as well. Had to then fix that problem. Gave up and had a cup of tea. Every document from 10 years or more was there but not the ones needed!! I got a very bad headache!
Then, after hours of searching, A. found a pile of papers (including the ones he needed) in a paper clip underneath some heavy binders in the bottom of the filing cabinet. Opps! I obviously hadn't filed them when they came back from the accountant about 6 mths ago - I then remembered that I was sick of being the record keeper that day and decided I wasn't going to file them until later - much, much later as it obviously turned out!! In the meantime they just got buried. I did offer my resignation but he refused to accept it.
Ok, but by now I really have got a bad headache, however I had to clean the house as visitors arrive tomorrow. Job done but now I'm feeling really awful and decide to have a shower. Feel a bit better, cook dinner and find I must have left my lovely new watch (that I'd waited ages for) upstairs when I had a shower. Searched upstairs and downstairs for about two hours and couldn't find it. Searched the rubbish bins in case it had accidentally been picked up with something! No luck.
I gave up and was bemoaning my loss quite a lot when A. decided to go upstairs and have a look (probably so he could get some peace and quiet). He came down in minutes looking very smug with the watch in his hand!!
Where was it??....sitting on the bed of course, but why had I not found it there after all that searching??? Black Friday is getting the blame this time for sure.
The only thing that cheered me up (apart from finding the watch) was this beautiful sunset taken from the upstairs deck. Rant over!
Have a good weekend everyone.

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