
By PorridgeWog


DDW's December Challenge Day 12 : Twisted

Tomorrow morning, at stupid o'clock (otherwise known as sparrow fart), I will be flying south to meet HV and drive home with her. Consequently, today has been busy sorting a few things out (though not as busy as HV's day). I did take advantage of the weather and got out along the shore with the dogs, hoping that this was still where it had been the last time I saw it. It wasn't. It has been moved another half mile or so along the shore. I think it will remain in place for quite some time as the huge mooring chain is now stuck fast under some massive boulders. However I wasn't interested in the chain, I wanted a pic of the steel cable that is attached to the top of the buoy.
I liked the way that the inch thick cable has been bent and covered with seaweed.

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