Dull day!

A grey dull day, nothing in the way of colour. Fellow blipper & I took ourselves off to Tarbert . As per usual she had me scrabbling over bloody rocks, streams, moss & God knows what else to show me a very unique shell beach. Have to say it was worth being dragged there as this was a fabulous wee place. All the scallop shells nearest the shore were almost like sand but the further up you went the more in tact they were even right up the beach under the grass! They formed all sort of swirly patterns, then we found the actual track back to the car! From there we went up to Tarbert castle. It has a nice view that's about all its got going for it plus an interesting history but you can Google that for yourselves.
I must try to master the art of layers and this sharpening business! This shot has all manner of things wrong with it but I liked the wee insignificant figure in comparison to the overly large castle! fellow blipper & I have almost uploaded identical shots
Came home to steak & chips cooked by no1 son who may have redeemed himself somewhat!

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