Today I noticed that, while the spitzlings come home to fires alight, fairy lights twinkling, food cooking, warm house and spitzimami....spitzimami comes home to cold house, empty log basket, breakfast crudifying, washing up piled and no one* to say "hi, how was your day?" when she comes in. That seems mightily unfair.
This is probably why it was so lovely to come home from work on Sunday night and be greeted by a spitzipapi offering me a cup of tea and a hug, the house was warm and the washing up was done. These are the benefits of working more. My new work is not just a pretty face.

* apart from the dog, of course, his best thing in the world is when I come home, even if I actually haven't been anywhere but he forgot that I went round the back for two minutes and then I came back round the front and it was all BRILLIANT.

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