
By FredaH

PiP Party

Today the daughter and I stayed in to await the electrician, having been without hot water all weekend. Eventually another telephone call managed to summon him and we learned that the electrical switches on both thermostats in the hot water cylinder have turned themselves off but wouldn't come back on.

You live and learn - I had never before heard of such a thing. Now we are sitting waiting for the water to heat.

Events then take a brighter turn and this beautiful Poinsettia arrives for my birthday tomorrow – that solves today’s blip. I had thought I was going to have to mention the outing tonight – when I would be eating Turkey again!

Tonight's party is for a group of us who have two celebrations a year. PiP – (Partners in Prayer or Pilgrims in Progress, you can call it what you will) have a barbecue in summer and a party at Christmas. Needless to say this was the Christmas event! Lashings of food and drink and a super-abundance of laughter and goodwill particularly when the games started.

I admit I failed the “Hello Harry/Yes Harry” game which meant I ended up with a lipsticked forehead but at least I was not the person who was lying when he tried to convince us he had a degree in Latin.

I did not have a turkey sandwich – I settled for a chicken leg and devils on horseback. Two Christmas dinners down and three to go!

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