One click at a time

By KeithKnight

December Challenge - A Wheel

Day 11 of DDW/MollyMay's December daily challenge - A Wheel

Took this early in case I didn't come up with anything else. I didn't come up with anything else as you can tell from the fact that you are seeing it now! I tried to think of a Christmas / Wheel connection, but as real sleighs don't have them, and reindeer have hooves I couldn't come up with anything.

The steering wheel of the Citroen C1, which I am using for work today so my son can provide a taxi service for his Mum this evening who has a work Christmas do. I do like the way the Citroen symbol points to where you should be looking while driving. Having taken it before it was light, the flash has shown up all sorts of otherwise invisible marks on the speedo!

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