It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Another Selfie

Back to work today after having the lergie yesterday. It's crap being ill but it's good to get over the worst really quickly. Work went by quick quickly as I was playing 'catch up' and then it was off to NTP for a coffee. Jules who used to work there was in and I was so pleased to see her that she got a big hug! I miss her working there! My coffee, a Square Mile Costa Rican cup of excellence was just that so I left happy.

I went off to Longford Park for a run with the Tri club, wholly planning to take it easy. Wow....lots of the track was covered in ice. The alternative was sprint work in the grassy track centre. Nah....cold air and a 'chest' is not the time to be doing that sort of work. I resigned myself to going home, but Lex was taking a few people from the development group for a road run. That was ideal as pace was such that I talked all the way round....well ideal for me, maybe not so for Lex.

Then it was back home for a good bowl of mushroom pasta. Yummy....the semolina pasta I have may be 4 times the price of supermarket crap but the texture and taste is worth it. I watched Masterchef too which is nearing the nationalistic tendencies are coming to the fore, as I want the jock to win, the Taff to be 2nd and the annoying Sassenach to be last.

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