Painting the lines

The park looked lovely this morning, all light and frosty. I am sure it will look lovely at the weekend as well with all the footballers running round their newly painted pitches.

Daisy and Will both went to school cross and angry with me today. I caught Daisy leaving without her coat and made her come back and put one on. I stopped Will from racing up and down outside the classrooms on his scooter and knocking all the toddlers flying. After school everyone admitted that perhaps I really wasnt a horrible person deserving of their hatred.

Jay has just asked me if I have blipped my office, Will or a seagull. Is my journal becoming samey, I wonder? If it is, I think it will just have to do. I couldnt work out how to blip every now and then, so dull, repetitive pictures it will have to be. Looking back at this time last year I appeared to be absolutely desparate for work to end for the year. I dont really feel like that this year which I take as a Good Sign. Still, a countdown wont hurt, 6.5 days left......

Christmas lunch at work tomorrow. As many Tesco sausage rolls as we can eat, we have been instructed to "drink responsibly". And be back at our desks by 2.

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