Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Grumpy of Edinburgh

Well, the UPS package (a sample load of firewood) did not arrive ‘by the end of the day’ as it said on the tracking website. And I’d stayed in all day for it!

But it arrived first thing this morning - I wasn’t even up! I heard them coming up the path, and leapt out of bed to answer the door, lest another ‘We missed you’ card was swiftly posted.

But it was actually 3am.

I had heard the neighbour coming home.

I rang UPS first thing. Profuse apologies. The secretary was going to contact the driver and get him to ring me back with an estimated time. No such phone call has materialised...

Mind you, I have been on the phone for long periods. Very tedious, but I’m having problems with the wifi, therefore the SoundTouch music system. And now that the computer is in the back room, it sometimes has no wifi, or it’s very slow. I spent about an hour - yes, an hour - last night on the Bose (free!) helpline while the chap tried lots and lots of things to figure out the problem. We decided to wait till the router is moved to a more central position in the house and see if that solves it. But this won’t happen till the 18th.

Also trying to contact the power company. I want them to come and check the boiler ASAP. But as I’m a ‘new’ customer (long term customer, but new agreement, having moved house) I have to wait a month or so before they will check boilers. I waited all day for a call back. None. Then I rang in the evening, and had to listen to screechy yelly caterwauling for about half an hour - don’t have it near my ear, though - and then a click, and the cheery voice on the other end, ‘The other person has cleared…’ GRRRRRR.

But young Jack the glazier was here to finish off the windows this morning. I was so glad I hadn’t bothered cleaning the outside of the windows, as they're done when double glazed. In fact, Jack didn’t mind going up and down the ladder as I pointed out finger marks on various panes.

I’m beginning to I sound like a grumpy old bag. Bad service and things not working properly are a fact of life, so I’m going to read my book this afternoon, and see which happens first - a UPS delivery or a call back from the power company.

There was some sun on my ‘garden’ this morning. This bush has lovely twisty wee hairy stems. No idea what it is.

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