Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Grading the Last of the Semester Essays


It was after midnight when I finished, but what a fabulous moment!

I packed-up everything so that I would be ready to rush out the door early Tuesday morning. Then I took a hot, very hot, shower because I was chilled (it's really been cold here). I even washed my hair which is not something I usually do when showering after midnight. I got out of the shower, got my jammies on, blew my hair dry on the hottest setting, and then climbed into bed -- wide awake! Good grief!

Mr. Fun had been asleep downstairs in the family room and he wandered up the stairs and climbed into bed too and we watched late night TV until I was absolutely exhausted.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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