Excursion to Gardnerville
which is about 45 miles south of Reno. We had a nice meeting with the members of our little French group in the local museum, because they had an exhibition of christmas trees and ginger bread houses. The GB houses did not make a good picture and the trees were beautifully decorated but so unbelievably kitchy for my taste, that I cannot post them here. There was one republican and one democrat tree, the first had lots of elephants in it, noble causes as pics of veterans and security dogs and the like. On top it had the Statue of Liberty with angel hair, dressed in the colors of the flag and wrapped in a Santa Coat. All this beauty can be seen here! Together with some other pics that should not be missed! The democratic tree was mainly full of donkeys. I just cannot picture that anybody in Germany would have the idea to decorate a Christmas tree with politic ornaments….Highly beautiful was also a tree decorated only by knitted ornaments. the top angel looked like a teapot warmer. So it wasn't my cup of tea at all.
The exhibition was topped off with a tree in pure pink. Yikes! But I put it in the Flickr set, just for fun.
I just wandered off and looked a bit at the rest of the museum. They had fabulous little rooms to evoke the history of the area and one of these displays showed a kitchen : the title was " A woman's work is never done", lots of old and not very helpful machines for doing laundry, spinning the wet laundry, knitting socks (!) and then, after a day of hard work, you were supposed to put yourself under this machine that the picture shows , and get a curly coiffure! And , of course, look as beautiful as the model at the moment, when your husband comes home after work! :-)
One picture that I posted in the Flickr Set shows a little girl getting curls by such a machine. Absolutely hilarious! Wouldn't it have been the pic of somebody else, that would have been my first choice for today's Blip.
Thanks to all of you who so kindly wrote comments on my yesterday cold blip. Today was even colder, we started out with - 13 degrees Celsius, or - 7 F. But the gorgeous sunshine makes you forget how cold it is, for a little while at least. Thanks also for all the stars, hearts and new subscriptions. It is all very much appreciated!!!
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